Divrei Chaim: Noach = neicha, even amidst a flood of sorrow

Divrei Chaim: Noach = neicha, even amidst a flood of sorrow
People always say that the departed should be a "meilitz yosher."  Some people even go so far as to say the departed should intercede upstairs and help with specific things that we need down here.  My wife thought this is the wrong way to look at things.  To paraphrase President Kennedy, we should not ask what the departed can do for us -- we should be asking ourselves what we can do for the departed.  What can we do to serve as a zechus and credit to their memory?  What can we do to better exemplify the midos, Torah, yiras shamayim that they wanted us to have and tried to instill in us?  How can their memory inspire us?  This is the message to take away from aveilus. 

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