Midrashic insight on 3 types

As one of the events happen in this week's Parsha, I was thinking of this Midrash:
idrash about 3 people in TaNaCh who might have acted differently if they had realized their actions were recorded:
R’ Yitzchak said: When a person does a mitzvah, he should do it with all his heart… Had Reuven known that Hashem would record [in the Torah] that he had saved Yosef from his brothers, he would have carried Yosef back to his father on his shoulders! Had Aaron known that Hashem would record in the Torah, “And he will see you [Moshe], and he will be joyous in his heart [without jealousy over Moshe’s appointment as leader of Israel], (Shemos/Exodus 4:14)” he would have come out to greet him with dancing and drums… Had Boaz known that Hashem would record in the Torah that he gave Ruth grain, he would have fed her fattened calves. [Rus Rabbah 5:6]
I thought that it hits the 3 divisions in Klal Yisrael: we have the Kohen, the ancestor of Kings, and a regular Yisrael. Perhaps there could also be a kind of allusion to the 3 types of crowns: Keter Kehuna, Keter Malchus, and Keter Shem Tov.

For more on Reuven's concern, see http://kallahmagazine.blogspot.com/2015/12/reuvens-motivation.html

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