What the Wall Street Journal Can Teach You About Marriage

I'm making fun of the usual gimmicky title construction I've been seeing in relation to marketing. But the fact is that there is an excellent article on marriage in the Wall Street Journal entitled "Need Space in a Relationship? Just Don't Say It That Way."
Dr. Orbuch recently analyzed one year of data from her study and found more wives than husbands (31% versus 26%) reported not having enough space. She believes this is because women often have less time to themselves than men.  

 Introverts, in particular, tend to need space on their own, and this is one of the things that Laurie Helgoe touched on in her book, Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength. She's an introvert married to an extrovert. Her husband understood her need for space but wanted a gentler parting. See more on that book and other mixed couples here


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