What do your goals say about you?

I decided to post this in response to seeing a Tweet that said "What are your fashion goals for 2011?"  I'm sure you're all dying to hear what I'm planning to wear.  Seriously, then you are far more interested in my choice of fashion than I am. Other than dressing to code, so to speak, and not falling for trends that are inconsistent with my lifestyle, I don't really think much about clothes.  Yes, I would be happy to buy some more skirts if they become available in long enough -- but not trailing to the floor - -- lengths. But that is not much more of a goal than an intent to buy cherries when they are in season and affordable.  (They are BTW $2.99 a lb. this week at Stop & Shop, which is pretty good for winter time,but not a price I find impossible to resist).

Read more at http://www.examiner.com/jewish-bridal-in-new-york/what-do-your-goals-say-about-you

Visit my site www.kallahmagazine.com -- not just for kallahs. You can also see posts at http://www.examiner.com/x-18522-NY-Jewish-Bridal-Examiner


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