Staying the course on the way to the wedding

Solid advice for an engaged couple at any time of year. The first 2 of 10 resolutions offered by Elizabeth Oakes are:

1. We will carefully examine what we want and need from our wedding day, and stick to our vision despite outside influences, either personal or commercial. If we have two entirely different ideas of our wedding we will find a compromise that fulfills both our needs, even if that means having two or more ceremonies (his tropical beach with just us, her princess dance in front of hundreds of friends.)

2. We will create a budget and stick to it, and we will not go into debt and mortgage our future for a single day's events. Our ability to be financially responsible and save for the home/car/insurance/education/children/retirement and all else we want and need in our lives will not be corrupted by childish whims. conspicuous consumption, or any indulgence beyond our current monetary means.

See the other 8 at


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