So do you like suprise gifts?

I have to thank Mother in Israel for her tweet, which brought this blog to my attention. The question on this is post from someone asking what to do now that her grandfather just bought her a car drew quite a range of responses. The real answer, of course, is "it depends." I pointed out "it depends" on what strings would be attached to the gift. Others stressed that the grandfather, obviously, wanted to give it, so the only gracious thing to do is to accept it. Actually, this dilemma could be a good one to bring up on a date or even when engaged to ascertain a person's outlook on money, independence, and relationships. Check it out at http:///without-asking-my-grandfather-just.html


DINKS said…
Thanks for linking over! It def. brought out a whole bunch of good advice which I knew really helped Brandi in her ultimate decision.

Gotta love the blogosphere!
Ariella's blog said…
Thanks for commenting. I now read through all the comments and am glad that Brandi came to a positive resolution. I know exactly where she is coming from in terms of not wanting to be a "taker," but even I will accept gifts on occasion. ;-)

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