Kids are really useful when you need to find something

When I misplace something, i.e., keys (most common), phone (major drawback to something not attached to a cord) or, as today, my credit card, usually a child succeeds in finding it. I had not actually used it since last Thursday. And I did contact the last store at which I had used it to check it if I had left it behind. But I recalled that I was considering placing an online order Saturday night and had even gotten as far as taking my credit card out of my purse to fill in the info. I decided to hold off on the order. But the question is why wasn't my card back in my purse. I had searched around the computer and around the purse to no avail. I asked for my children's assistance. My middle daughter discovered another card that had fallen into the draw of the desk where my purse was. So I concluded that the card I sought must have fallen in, as well. And so it was.

So are kids smarter? I don't think that is it. I think they have a somewhat different perspective, which is what allows them to approach things and see them differently. So if the standard tactics aren't working, bring in a kid.


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