Guest post on gifts
"Jed" asked me to post the following:"">Being aware that many choshuv rabbonim have established guidelines for keeping down wedding costs, I was slightly disturbed to come across this article detailing which gifts "must" be given between the chosson and kallah (or their families). What are the common traditions, and what is just "minhag hallmark" as far as gifts between the couple prior to the wedding? See
the size of the diamond has nothing to do with the quality of your marriage.
take it from someone who has been divorced. more important things to focus on when getting married. instead of the wedding, think about the MARRIAGE!!
I would suggest that the following ARE important:
1. The engagement ring. Does not need to cost zillions of dollars, buy within your budget.
2. The "watch". Generally, the guy pays for most of the dates. The watch is a nice way to reciprocate, but again, buy within your budget.
3. The tallis has traditionally been given by the kallah's family, if not from herself personally.