Perspective altered by experience

I always thought a yard was three feet,
then I started mowing the lawn.
- C.E. Cowman
The yard also seems to expand when the leaves have to be raked.


Lion of Zion said…
my 5-towns friends think i'm nuts, but the first thing i do when i move to the suburbs is pave over the lawn. who needs the headache of a lawn? plus i'll be able to rent out parking spots.

can you tell i'm from brooklyn?
Ariella's blog said…
It is paved over where a front yard would go for my house (except for the grass that borders the sidewalk) and my daughter has suggested laying down grass instead. But we do have a backyard with grass. I actually like the way a well-kept lawn looks, but we are just about the only Jews in the 5 Towns who do not employ a gardener. We do our own mowing, raking, seeding, etc. just to keep the lawn alive and basically under control.

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