Cash payments mean no taxes

You would think with all the money laundering scandals people would have learned to at least be discreet enough not to openly suggest tax evasion on a public forum. This post appeared today: "Perfect as part time or telecommute: We need you to search the internet and databases (will be provided) for potential customers. Will pay $12 an hour in cash weekly (this is the equivalent of $24 an hour on a 1099). Must have some experience in business, research, sales, insurance etc to be able to define a "Qualified Potential Customer" Please contact us____"[the email addres sounds rather suggestive]


Orthonomics said…
Wow! And the person who takes the company up and gets audited will be mad as can be when the $12 is taxed in whatever bracket they fall in. Ouch on both ends.
Ariella's blog said…
I thought you'd like that one, SL ;-)
Orthonomics said…
Posted a link. Have we no shame?
Ariella's blog said…
Apparently, we do not. I also have to admit that it bothers me that a moderated list that will often ignore a request for a posting because it mentions the business name or is not titled correctly will put through a post like this one.
Ezzie said…

Also, I love how people (especially those who get paid in cash) will think Serach gets paid so well - they don't understand whatsoever that after everything is considered, with her being on a 1099 and with us paying for babysitting, we are barely making a penny.

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