"slim and pretty" -- what more could you ask for?

The following appeared on a Jewish site:
"I have handsome wonderful guys and slim pretty girls

let's exchange profiles and see if we can come up with matches.....i am happy to send my profiles first to you....i have guys with good jobs 31, and in high 40's who are very nice guys, good looking, well ask for profile and let me send them to you (what age are you interested in?)

girls: I have 30's 40's and 20's (some are quite good looking too!)"

Anyone else find something wrong with this posting?


Ezzie said…
I'm trying to find anything right...
Lion of Zion said…
i can understand it.
for better or for worse, first impressions are important. when you have a date with someone you've never met before, it doesn't matter what wonderful qualities they have, because the very first impression will, by the nature of a bind date system, be based on physical appearances.
imho, i think this is one חסרון of the contemporary singles' system. having the opportunity to meet people casually enables you to learn to appreciate (and fall in love with) someone's qualities regardless of how they look.

whenever i eavesdrop on my wife's shidduch conversations on the phone, a lot of the talk regarding compatibility revolves around looks. that's just the way it is.
Ariella's blog said…
Note, though, that the ONLY qualities ascribed to the "girls" is related to looks. The "guys" at least are called "wonderful," [whatever that means, probably just breathing] as well as "handsome."

Eyn isha ela lenoy [a wife is only for beauty] was one of the groups' at the Tu B'Av singles event claim. But it wasn't the only one. And even the homely girls spoke up for themselves. See http://kallahmagazine.blogspot.com/2008/08/15th-of-ave-take-4-differing-accounts.html
and http://kallahmagazine.blogspot.com/2008/08/there-are-more-lines-ascribed-to-girls.html
Orthonomics said…
At least the writer could capitalize!

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