Anyone know what prompted this?

Why are they seeking to set up a fast so close to 17 Tammuz? What particular concern do they now have about giluy arayos? Is this just because people go around more scantily clad in the summer? The following was posted on the shuls list:
We will be perfoming a special tikkun for tshuvah on geeluyai arayot on July 5th (men only). The tikkun will be done during minchah time and will take a few hours. It involves fasting the entire day, showing up and partaking in the tefillah service. This prayer service is a amazing opportunity for everybody and an amazing remedy for parnasah, shiduchim, and shalom bayit problems.

Email me at for further details.

Mincha Taanit Tzibur
Sunday, July 5th 2009
4:30PM Sharp!

Step 1: Kabbalat Taanit. Acceptance of the fast must be done the day before during Shabbath mincha time.
This can be found in most siddurim. Taanit starts at 4:18 AM for those who wish to eat before it starts.
Remember not to eat or drink anything on Sunday all day. If you cannot fast call for details!
Step 2: Bring Tallit and Tefillin to Mincha (optional but all are encouraged to do so. R"T tefillin for those
who have or Rashi for those who don't)
Step 3: Bring money to do your Pidyon Hanefesh. It is best to bring the equivalent to 84 meals which is
$320 which would mean $5 per meal or $84 assuming $1 per meal. Any amount can be brought
even 84 preutot (check with your Rabbi regarding the value of a preutah today) for an individual who
cannot do the Pidyon representing 84 meals (representing 84 Taaniyot). Nobody will be turned away.
Checks can be made to Young Israel of Kew Garden Hills Tzedakah Fund.
Step 4: The service will start with Tikkun Haklali at 4:30PM followed by Korbanot, Ashrei as any other day.
Afterwards we will have Kriyat Hatorah (Parashat Vayechal) followed by Haftorah. During the silent
amidah include the aneiynu insertion we give you into the beracha shomeah tefillah. During the
Chazarah HaRav will be doing Aneiynu L'Fi HaRaShash for Pay Daled Taaniyot. This takes approx.
30 minutes alone. The chazarah will be done with all the kavanot of the Rashash and will take approx
1 1/2 hours altogether. This is an amazing experience for anybody.
Tikkun Hanefesh for Teshuvah on all
forms of Geeluyai Arayot and Pidyon
Henefesh with all funds going to:


joshwaxman said…
interesting. i wonder if the intent is that those participating feel that they have violated gilui arayot. if so, perhaps this is why it is men only. besides the implications in terms of tznius, we would not want a tacit admission of women causing them to be assur to their husbands, as a sotah; or for single women to marry a kohen. (a man straying might be violating a deOraysa and might merit kares, but he can stay married...)

alternatively, maybe this tikkun is just expected to only work for men...

regardless, it is interesting how taanis, teshuva, tefillah, tzedaka is being turned into a segulah for X, Y, Z.

Anonymous said…
The use of the word "amazing" drives me crazy.
Ariella's blog said…
I also find the word "amazing" so overused that it loses meaning, Tesyaa. But I was so surprised by the thrust of this post that I didn't pay that much attention to the presentation.
yitzchakdanesh said…
I am the organizer of this event. The reason why we are doing it at this time of the year is simply because it is very difficult to get ahold of the rav who will be leading the tefillah. In answer to Josh's comment, the idea behind this tikkun as cited by the Rashash, Rabbi Yaakov Hillel shlita, Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz shlita or anybody learned in kabbalah is to remove any type of spiritual blockage which an individual may have. The reason why men only is simply because of the the fact that the location we are using does not have a women's section during weekdays. I have done this tikkun many a time and can attest to it. It is not a special berachah from a "rebbe" nor is it hokus pokus but simply fasting (which is cited in sefrei kabbalah as like bringing a korban in our day and age), giving of tzedekah, and a lot of davening. I would be happy to discuss this further with anybody. Please feel free to email me at


Yitzchak Danesh
Ariella's blog said…
Thanks for clarifying. So the timing is due to the rabbi's schedule not the time of year.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
This is YitzchakDanesh again signed in with a different ID.
That's correct about the timing. This particular tikkun is generally done during Shovaviim which is usually around january - february time of the year. I was talking to Rav Goldring who will be leading the tefillah and he told me that it is traditionally done during those times but it can be done anytime (that is anytime when we say tachanun) so I decided to organize this sooner than later. I go to Brooklyn every sunday of Shovavim when it is done there and it attracts well over 200 people. Sefardim, Chassidim, Ashkenizim, Modern Orthodox and even some not so religious (or rather newly becoming religious) people attend. Thousands of people attend in Israel at places like Yeshivat Shaar Shamayim, Beit El, Zechron Moshe (that minyan factory in Geulah),etc. I had never heard of this until recent years and it just an experience just to attend and daven with a RAV who does the tefilla with such kavanah-`. Like I had mentioned previously, this is t'shuvah as outlined by the Rashash based on the Kitvei Arizal. One other note to Josh Waxman on this blog, this is a tikkun for everything in the realm of gilui arayot whether a person was with a goya, a nidda, has seen zera levetalah, or has been with any other forbidden act as outlined by the torah in this gilgul or previous gilgulim.
CJ Srullowitz said…
I hadn't heard of this. Is it only in Kew Gardens?
Ariella's blog said…
Cloo, you can ask the organizer who left his contact info in his comments here.
joshwaxman said…
"has seen zera levetalah"
yeah, that makes sense. i was thinking that, as an afterthought.

i still think it's weird. even as it is, it should not necessarily be labeled as a segulah. not everything has to be a segulah. it can be Teshuva, Tefillah, and Tzedaka.

Unknown said…
I never used the word segulah. I used the word remedy on the email if you look back. A remedy is kinda the english translation of tikkun. I dont like the word segulah either. I agree it is overused these days. Anyways, the rav to lead this tefillah got stuck in Israel on personal manners and the event is cancelled. People can still email me if they want :)

Yitzchak Danesh

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