One form of paperwork reduction
In the past I've received registration materials from my daughters' school before Pesach. Getting out the forms earlier actually should increase cash flow with the registration fee of several hundred dollars that must be paid with each registration. This year, however, we have yet to receive the forms. I was told that the school is working backwards alphatbetically, so a B will be on the latter end. But the bigger change is that the school is skilling the financial aid application forms (which normally have to be in by April) and will, I was told, assign the tution that was assessed the previous year. While it is always nice to eliminate paperwork, and I understand that there may not be time to go through the paperwork of so many so late, I wonder if this will work out. Many people have lost jobs this year. If they were fortunate enough to find new employment, they could very well have accepted a pay cut. So it is more than likely that a person's financial outlook for the upcoming school year will be very different from the same person's situation last year. What if a family is subsisting on unemployment after having enjoyed a household income that allowed them to pay full or nearly full tution? In the less likely event that someone enjoyed a raise, the family may be able to actually afford to pay their tuitons with less of a scholarship built in. So there could be variosu scenarios that would call for a review rather than a default repeat. I would imagine that those who really cannot pay what they paid the previous year would still request an adjustment to the scholarship, and though the school could refuse, that does not mean they will succeed in collecting an amount a family can no longer pay.
But you made me think of other "life changing" events like a new baby or a more unfortunate turn for the family numbers.