Shidduch Resumes

I don't think these existed way back when I was in "the parsha" of shidduchim. But I have had the experience of receiving shidduch resumes (AKA "profiles") of girls on 2 occasions now. So I am wondering, does every single put together one of these upon entering the fray? Or is it something put together only a few years in to expedite the process of answering the standard questions of "Where did you go to school? What are your interests? What are you looking for?" not to mention height and age. If it standard practice to produce these, I wonder if anyone has latched onto the idea of resume writing services for shidduchim. After all, people in the job market sometimes pay for professional resume editing or even writing. I can certainly see the possibility of it in the shidduch market, particularly, if people wish for expertise on particular audiences to customize the resume for specific segments of the population.


Anonymous said…
I was taken aback when I realized shidduch resumes are now the norm. But a little perspective is in order. When my friend, who is not Orthodox, saw my relative's shidduch resume, she immediately told me that it's just like a profile on Like many things, it just has a different name in the Jewish world. And yes, I'm sure that there are people who hire professionals to help them polish their dating profiles.
Ariella's blog said…
Interesting, Tesyaa. Actualy it would make sense to have the shidduch resumes reveal more about the unique personalities than to just go through the vital statistics to identify which box to fil under -- like Yeshivish, Modern, Modern/Machmir, or Modern/Yeshivish, Chassidic, etc. When The Shadchan magazine was enclosed in another paper, I glanced at the singles' profiles, and they all sounded so similar. There really seemed to be little to distinguish one from the other. And these very generic sounding shidduch resumes probably would not attract more attention than very generic sounding job resumes do.
Orthonomics said…
I saw a resume that detailed yichus. My friend sent me her sister's resume to have a look and see what I thought. My thought: what about the girl? It said very little about her. It talked more about her parents and grandparents.
Ariella's blog said…
Yichus is a form of classification referred to by the nubile women on Tu B'Av and Yom Kippur, but so is beauty, and you would expect more in the profile than the physical assets. And the young man who is impressed by family has to remember the fact that the girl herself is the one he will be living with -- not her father or grandfather, for good or ill.

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