Good for Shidduchim: a modest proposal for a blog

Recently, I noticed that one of the blogs that are not anonymous switched from public to "open only to those invited." I just had the opportunity to ask that blogger why he closed off access. He responded that he did so at the insistence of his children "in the parsha." They -- at least the daughter -- maintain that his blog has a negative effect on their shidduch prospects. I was somewhat surprised because the blog is usually on Torah rather than controversial topics. But, I supose just about anything that does not strictly toe the party line may be construed as deviant, and, consequently, bad for shidduchim. There is a even a blog (completely unrelated to the blog I refer to), that offers commentary on the current shidduch scenario.

So I proposed that the blogger who is no longer public start a blog called "Good for Shidduchim" in which he can spout just right views on all the relevant issues for those involved in shidduchim. He could also present his children as the ideal shidduch candidates with all the right boxes on the paradigmatic (albeit hypothetical) shidduch form checked. That, of course, would include the right schools, right camps, and right occupation for a maidel who has completed seminary, which is, ideally, teaching.


Josh M. said…
Of course, having a blog itself could be considered to be bad for shidduchim.

Eh, it probably makes things easier if the filtering is done beforehand, anyway.

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