gym lessons, ethics and manners

My girls are members of a children's gym. When they came back from it today, one daughter reported that my youngest one hit another child with a ball. Let me clarify that this was an accident that her older sister attributes to her poor aim. How poor her aim is debatable. But one point that was not debatable in my mind is the necessity for her to apologize to the child she hit. I was very reassured to learn that she did even though it was at the behest of the manager. He was quite right to "make her," to use my daughter's term as I was not present to "make her" do it myself. Causing someone else to be hit, hurt, or pushed is wrong even without malicious intent. The same goes for depriving someone of sleep by engaging in noisy activities such as using power tools after 11 PM. The fact that anyone would think otherwise simply astounds me.

The concept of being dan lekaf zchus is to give the other person the benefit of the doubt, like, s/he may have had a bad day and just been frustrated in general when s/he snapped at you and did not mean it as a personal affront. Nevertheless, the act of snapping, hitting, disturbing, or whatever, even without intent to harm should be recognized as something to be avoided. And there is a real categorical difference between shogeg and ones. The exoneration of Rachmana patreonly applies to the latter.


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