
Showing posts with the label shidduchim

Tu B 'Av

Happiness, love, and money

Fake selfies and shidduch profiles

Shopping for a shidduch

Gifts of love

Roundup of Tu B'Av and Shabbos Nachamu posts

Roundup of posts for Tu B'Av and Shabbos Nachamu

This year's thoughts on Tu B'Av

The younger, the better?

Roshei yeshiva-protest desecration of torah-advise...

Shidduch dating tips

the laws of shadchanus

The science of marriage success then and now

I put up a spoof like this years ago


Online dating

You don't marry a shidduch resume

More on the flawed plan

The New NASI Shidduch Plan: Throw Money At It

The Upside of Irrationality