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The Morgan Library Erases Israel

This past Sunday I was in the Morgan Library & Museum .  and had a vey unpleasant surprise.  I never expected to see anything inciting hate on exhibit here, especially something that was designed to attract the participation of children. Silly me, this is 2024 when it has become trendy to attack Jews under the guise of "anti-Zionism." Above is the sign for the exhibit of the winners of the The Morgan Book Project.  The program brings in 3rd-12th grade New York City public schools teachers. The site describes it as "a free extended learning program in which the Morgan’s education staff collaborates with New York City public school teachers to implement curriculum in their classrooms based on traditional methods of book production." While some of the student work is indeed impressive, especially for 5th grade, a submission from a ninth grader in the High School of Telecommunications Arts and Technology is quite another story. It appears students in that school are

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