How to keep the Han in Hanukkah
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You delivered the mighty into the hands of the week, the many into the hands of the few, the impure into the hands of the pure, the wicked into the hands of the righteous, and the degenerates into the hands of those who cling to your Torah
And You made for Yourself a great and holy name in your world, and performed a great salvation and miracle for Your people Israel, as of this day.
We Jews don't just look at the odds. We know Jewish survival is not the result of capitulation to whatever is trendy, popular, or considered enlightened. Those all obfuscate true light.
This time of year, you see many artificial lights around you. They overwhelm the token menorahs thrown into the "holiday" displays. But truth is not to be found in larger numbers or greater influences.
The real flames we light on Chanukah always have been and remain the source of true and pure light. We sing of this in "Maoz Tzur." Jews have survived and retain our identity despite the odds.
Hilchos Chanukah and Shalom Bayis
Hlllel's Approach for Chanukah
Zos Chanukah