Free cookbook

I can’t even count how many recipes I’ve skipped because they called for a whole bunch of stuff I didn’t have in my kitchen without any place for things in my fridge that I wanted to use up before they’d go to waste. That’s why I really love the concept of The ScrapsBook You can download it in PDF format free at

While this is not a kosher cookbook, obviously, many of the recipes can work, and others can be adapted.

I haven’t worked my way through all 111 pages and 50 recipes yet, but my initial impression is a positive one. It’s not just about recipes themselves that actually call for wilted greens and watermelon rinds but ideas for putting your kitchen scraps to use in general. 

But it's not limited to recipe ideas. Under the heading, “HOW TO BEAT WHAT YOU CAN’T EAT,” are several innovative ideas for using eggshells, peels, and used coffee grounds.

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